Manufacturer: PPHU
Type: KR-030 TOPAZ
Handling, Maintenance and Periodic Inspections
Issue: 1
Rev. N
Date: July 2010
All parts preserved with grease are to be washed and cleaned.
Put air in tires to the level of 1,8 -2,0 Bar.
Carry out activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in the procedure 8.6.
Install and connect the battery (“+" terminal to the "+" cable and "-"
terminal to the "-" cable).
Remove all preservation from power plant, according to the power plant
Carry out activities 7,8,9, in the procedure 8.6.
Assemble the aircraft (see: point 8.9).
Carry out activities 10, 11, 12 , in the procedure 8.6.
Inspection/ check
1 Inspection of airframe structure, giving special consideration to all elements that are
heavily loaded during take-off and landing. Control of quality of glue connection of
the wing shell with internal wing structure by means of tapping, according to the
scheme attached.
2 Inspection of all metal joints pins and bolts. Check for clearances in all critical joints
of the airframe.
3 Inspection of all safety elements in particular elements of airframe, power plant and
control system.
4 Check of friction in control system, control system fair-leads check. Flaps and
ailerons check: external surfaces, hinges, drive system elements. .
5 Inspection and check of undercarriage.
6 Inspection and check of instruments. Checking air tightness of pneumatic systems.
7 Inspection and check of fuel and oil systems(band clips on pipes). All cracked or
scratched fuel pipes must be replaced.
8 Inspection of wiring system, check security of cable connections.
9 Inspection of external metal surfaces and protective coatings.
10 Inspection and check of brake system.
11 Inspection of control surfaces displacement.
12 Inspection and check of propeller according to the manual for AS propellers.
13 Lubrication according to procedure 8.5.3
Lamination scheme of the KR-030 wing
Flaps and ailerons suspension position