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Version 5.0
Doremi Labs, Inc.
List of DAWs & Editors currently supported by the V1
Adams-Smith SuperController, Akai DD1500, AMS Neve Audiofile, Augan OMX, DAR,
Digidesign Protools 4.0, Digigram X-Track, Doremi Labs Dawn II v. 4.3+, Fairlight MFX3, Fast
Video Machine, Sadie, Sonic Solutions, Sony BVE, Spectral, Studer Dyaxis, SSL/Screensound,
Synclavier, TimeLine Vista Waveframe/StudioFrame, TimeLine Lynx & Micro Lynx
Special note for the SSL/Screensound:
On the Screensound, go into the page 'Setup Serial' and select 'Motion Off'. The V1 will be
controlled by the Screensound. The offset on the Screensound must then be set to 0; if not the
Screensound will operate as if a real offset is present between the V1 and the audio tracks on
the Screensound.
This list is not absolute, contact Doremi Labs if your product is not listed above.