Loading the Paper
3.2 Loading Paper
Document on Demand works in the same way as Viewing the Last Printed
Line. To use Automatic Document on Demand, you need to set Auto Advance
to Selected in the GENERAL Set-up menu (the default setting is Not Selected):
Automatic Document on Demand (Auto Advance Selected)
When two seconds have elapsed since the printer received the last piece
of data (FF), the paper perforation moves on to the tear blade. Make sure
that the top part of the transparent cover is folded down, then tear off the
paper (see Figure 3–10). On the receipt of new data, the paper moves back
to its previous position (the first printable line).
Figure 3–10 Tearing Off Paper at the Tear Blade
Manual Document on Demand (Auto Advance Not Selected)
3–14 Loading the Paper