Internal Console
Pressing the T.O.F key at power-up causes the printer to enter the Top of
Form Setting mode as described in Section C.2, which also provides the
meaning of each key on the internal console in this mode.
User Form Length mode
Pressing the FORM LENGTH key at power-up causes the printer to enter
the User Form Length mode, as described in Section C.1. The two modes,
automatic and manual, can be run by using the following keys:
Load paper (both modes)
Automatic form length adjustment (automatic mode)
Enter the required number of lines (manual mode)
Store the measured form length (automatic mode)
Store the number of lines entered (manual mode)
Set-up mode
Pressing the SET-UP key at power-up causes the printer to enter Set-up
mode, as described in Chapter 4. The Set-up mode begins when the front
cover is closed and the paper is successfully loaded.
Internal Console E–3