Installing the Printer
1.4 Testing the Printer
The printer produces the following pattern:
When the bottom of the paper is detected, the sheet is automatically
ejected. You can use the FF button to load another sheet.
This test can be initiated with the cover open by pressing the PRINT TEST
switch on the internal console while switching the power ON, but the
print test will not start until the cover is closed and paper is loaded. See
Appendix E, Internal Console.
This test can also be performed with continuous paper in tractor mode
(with the paper selection lever in the rear position). If the printer test fails,
refer to Section 5.2.2.
NOTE: As you are using paper that is less than 13.5" wide, the printer
will print over the edge of the paper onto the platen. To prevent too many
lines printing onto the platen, you can interrupt the test at any point by
switching the printer OFF. The test is continuous and continues printing
until you switch the printer off.
1–18 Installing the Printer