Virtual Server Mapping
Virtual Server is used to set up public services on your network. When users from the
Internet make certain requests on your network, the WLAN VoIP Residential Gateway can
forward those requests to computers to handle the requests. For example, when you set the
port number 80 (HTTP) to be forwarded to IP Address, all HTTP requests from
outside users will be forwarded to You may use this function to establish a
Web server or FTP server via an IP Gateway. Be sure that you enter a valid IP Address.
(You may need to establish a static IP address in order to properly run an Internet server.)
For added security, Internet users can communicate with the server, but they will not
actually be connected. The packets will simply be forwarded through the WLAN VoIP
Residential Gateway.
Tick the checkbox to enable this rule.
WAN Port:
Specify the WAN port number (1~65535).
Choose TCP, UDP or Both as your desired protocol.
Specify the LAN IP - 192.168.0.xxx, where xxx is editable.
LAN Port:
Specify the port LAN port number (1~65535).
Insert- To insert a new Virtual Server setting to the WLAN VoIP Residential
Gateway. Change-To modify the current setting.
Port Trigger
Tick the checkbox to enable this rule.
Trigger Port:
Enter the port number used by the application to establish an open service
Trigger Type:
Choose either TCP or UDP.
Public Port:
Enter the port number to be allowed to pass through when trigger packets are
Public Type:
Choose either TCP or UDP.
Insert - To add a new port trigger to the WLAN VoIP Residential Gateway. Change -
To modify the current setting.