6. WPA2-PSK:
In this method, the pre-shared key is used as a pass-phrase.
Encryption Type:
Select either TKIP or AES.
WPA Pre-Shared Key:
Enter the pre-shared key value which can be between 8 and 63
characters long or 64 HEX characters long. (Symbols and spaces can also be used.)
2.4.4 WLAN Access Policy
WLAN Access Policy Setting
from the
Network Management
Access Policy Setting
screen page appears.
Access Policy:
To disable Access Policy function or to select
“Allow all”
“Reject all”
accesses from the control list.
Access Control List:
Enter MAC addresses (with the AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA format) that you
would like to add to the access control list. A total of 50 MAC addresses can be added to the
access control list.
Insert to list:
Once you have entered a MAC address, press
“Insert to list”
to add it to the
Delete from list:
Select a MAC address from the access control list and press
“Delete from
to remove it from the list.