Radius Server IP:
Enter the IP address of your Radius server.
Radius Server Port:
Enter the port number you are using with your Radius server.
Shared Secret:
Enter the value of the secret or security key you want this Wireless
Router to share with clients. The key must be between 16 and 63 characters long.
(Symbols and spaces can also be used.)
In this mode, the pre-shared key is used as a pass-phrase without employing
802.1X authentication server.
Encryption Type:
Choose either TKIP or AES.
WPA Pre-Shared Key:
Enter the pre-shared key value which can be between 8 and 63
characters long or 64 HEX characters long. (Symbols and spaces can also be used.)
5. WPA2:
WPA2, based on 802.11i, provides stronger wireless security than WPA to protect
your network from malicious intruders.
Encryption Type:
Choose either TKIP or AES.
Radius Server IP:
Enter the IP address of your Radius server.
Radius Server Port:
Enter the port number you are using with your Radius server.
Shared Secret:
Enter the value of the secret or security key you want this wireless
router to share with clients. The key must be between 16 and 63 characters long or 64
HEX characters. (Symbols and spaces can also be used.)