56 - System | Inbound Filtering Page
RocketLinx WR7802-XT Series User Guide
: 2000638 Rev. A
Configuration Using the Web User Interface
System | Inbound Filtering Page
Inbound Filtering is used to restrict any access from Internet to the LAN. Only the applied entries in the
Remote Management Exception list can access the LAN from the Internet through the gateway.
Enable Inbound Firewall: After enabled inbound firewall, it means that all the IP address from the Internet
can NOT access the LAN through the gateway. You can configure Remote Management Exception for
exceptional items that includes Web, Telnet, SSH and SNMP.
Inbound Filtering Page
The Exception table allows you to configure the exception list.
Src IP Address:
The entry allows you to configure the source IP address from the Internet.
Src Port Range:
The source port range of the above IP address.
Dest Port Range:
The destination port range of the above IP address. Destination port range
can NOT be empty! You should set a value between 1~65535.
Note for the entry.