Page ii 2001 Pioneer 1200 Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance and Service Manual
• Read Section 1 – Safety before attempting any service on this vehicle.
• Before servicing vehicle, read complete section(s) and any referenced information that may
be relevant to the service or repair to be performed.
This manual represents the most current information at the time of publication. Club Car, Inc. is con-
tinually working to further improve our vehicles and other products. These improvements may affect
servicing procedures. Any modification and/or significant change in specifications or procedures will
be forwarded to all Club Car dealers and will, when applicable, appear in future editions of this manual.
Damage to a vehicle or component thereof not resulting from a defect or that occurs due to unrea-
sonable or unintended use, overloading, abuse, or neglect (including failure to provide reasonable or
necessary maintenance as instructed in the vehicle owner’s manual), accident or alteration, includ-
ing increasing vehicle speed beyond factory specifications or modifications that affect the stability of
the vehicle or the operation thereof, will void the warranty.
Club Car, Inc. reserves the right to change specifications and designs at any time without notice and
without incurring any obligation or liability whatsoever.
There are no warranties expressed or implied in this manual. See the limited warranty found in the
vehicle owner’s manual or write to Club Car, Inc., P.O. BOX 204658, Augusta, Georgia 30917-4658
USA, Attention: Warranty Department.