Choke and Air Intake System
2001 Pioneer 1200 Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance and Service Manual Page 14-15
3. Check the hex nut on the cable at the back of the choke lever assembly. If it is loose, tighten it until the
lock washer beside it collapses completely.
4. Attach choke cable to choke lever (6) on air box. Install screw (17) to secure cable to air box and tighten
to 18 in-lb (2.0 N·m) (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17).
1. Access the engine compartment. See DANGER on page 14-1.
1.1. Tilt the bed and ensure that the prop rod is engaged.
2. Remove the air intake box from the vehicle by removing intake hose (16) and three screws (23) and
washers (22) that mount the intake box to the vehicle (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17).
NOTE: The intake duct must be in place before the air box can be installed.
1. Check to be sure the intake seal (13) is seated correctly (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17). The seal fits
tightly onto the bottom side of the air box. If seal is not in place, moisture will enter the air intake sys-
2. Place the air box assembly into vehicle and install three flat washers (22) and screws (23) from under-
side of air box mounting plate into air box (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17). Tighten to 33 in-lb (3.7 N·m).
3. Place hose onto air box and secure with wire clamp.
4. Attach the choke cable to the air box top. See Choke Cable Installation on page 14-14.
5. Test choke for proper operation.
1. Remove the front body. See Front Body Removal, Section 4, Page 4-3.
2. Slightly loosen the lug nuts on the front driver side wheel.
3. Place wheel chocks in front of the two rear wheels and raise the front of the vehicle with a floor jack.
4. Place jack stands under the vehicle frame to support the front of the vehicle with the front wheels off of
the ground and lower the vehicle onto the jack stands.
5. Remove the lug nuts from the front driver side wheel and remove the wheel.
6. Remove the bolt that connects the steering joint (1) to the steering column shaft (Figure 14-13, Page
7. Disconnect the steering joint from the steering column shaft.
8. Remove the two bolts (26), locknuts and flat washers that secure the strap plate (27) to the vehicle
frame (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17).
9. Remove the two bolts (28) and nuts that connect the upper shock mounts to the shock tower and strap
plate (27) (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17).
10. Remove the strap plate (27) (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17).
11. Roll the floormat from underneath the dashboard and drill out the pop rivet (30) that secures the air
intake shield (29) to the floorboard.
12. Using a putty knife, gently pry the adhesive strip that holds the shield to the vehicle frame and remove
the shield from the vehicle.
13. Drill out the two pop rivets (24) securing the intake duct to the floorboard (Figure 14-14, Page 14-17).
14. Remove three screws (23) and flat washers (22) from the bottom of the air box assembly (Figure 14-