Unitized Transaxle Assembly
Page 16-32 2001 Pioneer 1200 Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance and Service Manual
Read DANGER and WARNING on page 16-1.
NOTE: Although the following drawings show the transaxle being assembled in an upright position, laying
the transaxle on its left (driver) side will simplify the assembly process.
1. Make sure both parts of the case are clean and free of any contaminants. Make sure the machined
mating surfaces are free of residue and are not scratched or damaged in any way.
2. Put a light coating of clean transmission oil on the outside edge of the seal to make installation easier.
Press two new oil seals (18 and 23) (Figure 16-40, Page 16-16) into the left (driver) side case. Use an
oil seal installation tool (CCI 1014160) to install a new oil seal (58) (Figure 16-48, Page 16-20) into the
right (passenger side) case. See also Figure 16-75, Page 16-32.
3. Position the governor gear shaft installation tool (CCI 101933101) over the shaft bore in the inside of
the left (driver) side case and insert the governor gear shaft into the tool, long end (from the groove)
first, as shown (Figure 16-76, Page 16-32). Make sure the shaft is started into the bore and then, using
a plastic or rubber hammer, carefully tap the governor gear shaft into the bore until the end being
tapped is flush with the end of the tool. Remove installation tool.
4. Install the washer, governor gear, and sleeve together onto the governor shaft (Figure 16-77, Page 16-
33). Make sure the sleeve is properly positioned within the flyweight brackets of the gear as shown
(Figure 16-78, Page 16-33), and then push them onto the shaft until the gear snaps into the groove on
the shaft.
5. Position the interior washer on the pivot arm, then install the pivot arm and washer into the left (driver
side) case as shown (Figure 16-79, Page 16-33). Install the exterior washer and cotter pin on the pivot
arm outside the case as shown (Figure 16-79, Page 16-33). Bend the legs of the cotter pin.
Figure 16-75 Install Seals
Figure 16-76 Governor Gear Shaft
Press oil seal
into right side