Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 9
Troubleshooting Commands
Call Control Operations: Enable/Disable Path Trace at Port Level
Enables (disables) path trace feature at port level, then saves the result of the path trace in the log file.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
pathtraceport <portid>
{enable | disable}
[-H {on | off}]
[-CB {on | off}]
[-V {on | off}]
[-CR {on | off}]
[-cldnum called-AESA]
[-clgnum calling-AESA]
Syntax Description
The portid represents the PNNI logical port and has the format
[shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. See also
PNNI Format, page 9-3
enable | disable
Enables (disables) path trace at port level.
Specifies the hierarchy option. If enabled, information from all the DTLs in
the hierarchy are added in the TTL IE.
Default = off
Specifies the crankback option. If enabled, the failure cause for crankback is
included in the TTL IE.
Default = on
Specifies the VPI/VCI option. If enabled, VPI/VCI values of the egress port
are added in the TTL IE at every node.
Default = off
Specifies the call reference option. If enabled, call reference values of all
egress ports are added in the TTL IE.
Default = off
Specifies the called party number. Enables (disables) path trace on a specific
called address.
Specifies the calling party number. Enables (disables) path trace on a specific
calling address.