Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 6
Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
Configure Interface Congestion Threshold
The cnfintfcongth command lets you configure congestion thresholds for a logical port. The thresholds
apply to incoming calls and status enquiries. When the upper congestion limit is reached, the port may
block incoming calls and adjust the pace of status enquiries.
You must specify at least one keyword.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
cnfintfcongth <portid>
[ -setuphi {setuphival [-unackedstatenqlo {unackedstatenqloval} ]
[ -unackedstatenqhi {unackedstatenqloval} ]
Syntax Description
Related Commands
dspintfcongth, dspnodalcongth
The portid is the PNNI physical port. The format is
[shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. See also
PNNI Format, page 6-4
The number of connection set-up messages per second. Above this number,
the condition of set-up messages on the interface is congested.
Range: 1–260 calls per second
Default: 180
-unackedStatEnqLo The number of status enquires yet to be acknowledged by peer-to-peer
interface. Below this value, the congestion condition for status enquiries at
the interface level is dropped.
Range: 1–500 messages
Default: 40
-unackedStatEnqHi The number of status enquires yet to be acknowledged by peer-to-peer
interface. The interface is considered to be congested with status enquiries
when this thresholds is reached.
Range: 1–500 messages
Default: 100
Log: log
State: active
Privilege: GROUP1