Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 5
PNNI Commands
ATM End Station Address Ping—confirm the connection from a node to an ATM End Station.
The aesa_ping command lets you ping any ATM end station address (AESA) connected to a PNNI
network. Use this command to check PNNI connectivity to the given destination address. You can use
the optional arguments -setupcall, -qos, -trace, and -data to send packets and provide greater
granularity to the information that the command sends to the screen.
The parameters that you enter in the aesa_ping command don’t specify anything except the execution
of the command itself. All behaviors started by the command stop when the interval -timeout expires.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
aesa_ping <destination address>
[-setupcall {yes | no}]
[-qos {ubr | abr | cbr}]
[-trace {yes | no}]
[-data {enable | disable}]
[-timeout {time out in secs}]
[-interval {time}]
[-pcr {peak cell rate}]
[-scr {sustain cell rate}]
Syntax Description
destination address
Set up the destination address in Network Service Access Point (NSAP)
Default: null
Set up a switched virtual connection (SVC) as part of a ping. The call is torn
down when the interval expires (see -timeout parameter).
yes: Set up a call.
no: Do not set up a call.
Default: no
The quality of service (QoS) used for switched virtual connection (SVC)
ping connection. The QoS can be CBR, ABR, or UBR.
Default: UBR