Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 3
Equipment and Resource Provisioning
Add Resource Partition
Add a resource partition. Before you add resource partitions, be sure you have a plan for future
developments, such as the addition of a new controller.
The addpart and addrscprtn commands are identical. The name ‘addrscprtn’ is consistent with the
corresponding command in Release 1 of the MGX 8850 node. Use the command name that suits you.
The same identification applies to commands that display and delete a resource partition. In fact, you
can add a resource partition with addrscprtn then display and delete that partition by executing
dsppart and delpart, respectively.
A resource partition consists of:
Guaranteed percentage of bandwidth.
VPI and VCI ranges.
Guaranteed minimum and maximum number of connections.
The maximum number of connections must be greater than 10.
Before adding a resource partition, you must:
Activate physical lines on the card (upln and optional cnfln).
Add logical ports to the physical lines (addport or optional cnfport).
Run the addcontroller command on the PXM45 to identify the controller type to the Cisco Virtual
Switch Interface (VSI) and give that controller an ID number. The addpart command requires this
controller ID as an argument.
For a virtual network-to-network interface (VNNI—also known as a virtual trunk), you can configure
one VNNI per port and one port per partition. Specify a VNNI through addport.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
addpart <if_num> <part_id> <ctrlr_id> <egrminbw> <egrmaxbw> <ingminbw> <ingmaxbw>
<min_vpi> <max_vpi> <min_vci> <max_vci>
Syntax Description
Logical interface (port) number. For AXSM, the range is 1–60.
The partition ID number in the range of 1–5.