Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 6
Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
Add Filter Set—create or modify an ATM address filter set.
A filter controls the access of incoming calls to a port. The addfltset command lets you create a new
filter set or modify the contents of an existing filter set. Note that, if you want to change the address plan,
you must delete the filter set and re-create it. You can assign more than one filter to a port.
The addfltset command creates but does not associate a filter set to a port. To associate a filter set
to a port, use the cnf-pnportacc command.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
addfltset <name>
[-address atm-address <-length address-length> [-plan {nsap | e164}]
[-list {calling | called}]]
[-index number]
[-accessMode {permit | deny}]
[-cgPtyAbsentAction {permit | deny}]
[-cdPtyAbsentAction {permit | deny}]
Syntax Description
The name of the filter set can have up to 30 characters.
The ATM address. The plan determines the possible number of bytes or bits
in the address:
An NSAP address can have 1–20 eight-bit bytes (where a byte is two
hexadecimal numbers). A 20-byte address is an exact address, and less
than 20 bytes is a prefix.
An E.164 address can have 8–15 decimal digits. A 15-digit address is an
exact address, and less than 15 digits is a prefix.
You can specify the address plan with the forthcoming -plan option. NSAP
is the default plan.
Note that the number of bits or bytes in the ATM address effects the
uniqueness of the address. Although the maximum number of characters in
the address requires the most key-strokes, the address with the maximum
length insures the uniqueness of the port. To use an extreme example: with a
one-byte address, for any caller that sends an address whose first address
byte matches that one-byte ATM address, the node routes the call to that port.
The default is modifying the accessMode field of a filter element using the
index only, in which case you do not need to specify the address field.