Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 7
SPVC and SVC Commands
Display Connections—display basic information for all connections.
The default usage of dspcons uses no parameters and causes all available information for the
connections to appear. To narrow the scope of the output, use one or more optional parameters.
The dspcons command runs on the CLI of either the AXSM or the PXM45. The set of optional
parameters and the output are different on these cards. (See Syntax Description for the card-specific
parameters.) On the AXSM, the columns at the head of the information fields are:
When you execute dspcons on the CLI of the PXM45, the output shows:
A number for the connection with internal application only. It resides in the
database on the AXSM and is not affected by user input. The system creates
this number when you create the connection. The Cisco WAN Manager
application uses this number.
Identifies the connection in the format port vpi vci.
Shows whether the connection is a VCC or a VPC.
The service type—VBR, and so on. (See addcon description).
Indicates whether the endpoint specified by Identifier is the master or slave.
The hexadecimal Upload number is an encoded timestamp the Cisco WAN
Manager application uses to determine when a connection was created or
modified. In the CLI context, this field has little meaning.
The administrative state of the connection. If the connection is down, it
may have resulted from the dncon command.
Shows the alarm status of the connection.
Local and
Remote Port ID
The display contains a column for the local port ID and a column for the
remote port ID. The port ID has the format that the network controller
utilizes: [shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]
Local and
Remote VPI.VCI
The VPI and VCI at the local and remote ends of the connection.
The State column shows whether the connection is OK, down (by the dncon
command), failed, or has an alarm indication signal (AIS) or abit errors.
Whether the endpoint is master or slave.
Local and
Remote NSAP
An NSAP address for each end of the connection.