Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 6
Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
First determine if connections exist on port 3:1.1:1 by executing dspcons. One connection exists, and
the display shows the view from each port (3:1.1:1 and 2:2.2:1). Display port 2:2.2:1 then port 3:1.1:1.
Note the differences in the display when you specify the master-end port and the slave-end port. Also,
note that the interface type is UNI 3.1.
The dsppnport display shows a combination of user-configured and dynamic details, as follows:
Configuration details such as the type and version of the interface (UNI 3.1, for example), minimum
and maximum VPIs for SPVCs, and minimum and maximum VPIs and VCIs for SVCs.
A system-generated logical number that maps to the physical portID. The label these fields is
“Logical ID” and “Port,” respectively. The values in this example are 16979969 for logical ID and
3:1.1:1 for port. Some PNNI commands require you to provide the logical ID, and dsppnport is one
command that can provide it.
Dynamic information such as:
Status of the port
The number of point-to-point and point-to-multipoint connections
The numbers of configured and active of SPVCs and SVCs
8850_NY.7.PXM.a > dspcons
Local Port Vpi.Vci Remote Port Vpi.Vci State Owner
2:2.2:1 10 100 3:1.1:1 10 100 FAIL MASTER
Local Addr: 47.00918100000000036b5e30cd.000001021801.00
Remote Addr: 47.00918100000000036b5e30cd.000001031801.00
3:1.1:1 10 100 2:2.2:1 10 100 FAIL SLAVE
Local Addr: 47.00918100000000036b5e30cd.000001031801.00
Remote Addr: 47.00918100000000036b5e30cd.000001021801.00
8850_NY.7.PXM.a > dsppnport 2:2.2:1
Port: 2:2.2:1 Logical ID: n/a
IF status: provisioning Admin Status: up
8850_NY.7.PXM.a > dsppnport 3:1.1:1
Port: 3:1.1:1 Logical ID: 16979969
IF status: up Admin Status: up
UCSM: enable
Auto-config: enable Addrs-reg: enable
IF-side: network IF-type: uni
UniType: private Version: uni3.1
PassAlongCapab: n/a
Input filter: 0 Output filter: 0
minSvccVpi: 0 maxSvccVpi: 4095
minSvccVci: 35 maxSvccVci: 65535
minSvpcVpi: 1 maxSvpcVpi: 4095
#SpvcCfg: #SpvcActive: #SpvpCfg: #SpvpActive:
p2p : 1 0 0 0
p2mp: 0 0 0 0
#Svcc: #Svpc: Total:
p2p : 0 0 0
p2mp: 0 0 0
Total: 0
8850_NY.7.PXM.a >