Chapter 3 Configuring the Server
Setting the Login Module to ACS
User Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services
To set login module to ACS:
Step 1
In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Server > Security >
AAA Mode Setup.
The AAA Mode Setup page appears with the AAA Mode Setup dialog box.
Step 2
Select the ACS radio button.
Step 3
In the Server details panel, enter:
Primary IP Address/Hostname
Secondary IP Address/Hostname
Tertiary IP Address/Hostname
and the corresponding ACS port numbers.
The default port is 49. Secondary and Tertiary IP address/hostname details are
The values true and false will not be accepted in the Primary, Secondary, and
Tertiary IP Address/Hostname fields.
Step 4
In the login panel, enter:
ACS Admin Name
ACS Admin Password
ACS Shared Secret Key
Also, re-enter the ACS admin password, and ACS shared secret key in the
Verify fields.
The values true and false will not be accepted in the above fields.
Step 5
Select the Register all installed applications with ACS to register all the
installed application with the ACS server.
In case an application is already registered with ACS, the current
registration will overwrite the previous one.
Step 6
Click Apply.