User Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services
Chapter 4 Managing Device and Credentials
Managing Devices
Standard Type
You can add Routers, Switches, Hubs, and other devices using the Standard
management type.
To add devices and credentials using Standard type:
Step 1
Select the Standard radio button.
Step 2
Enter the Device IP address, the host name, domain name, the device display
name, and the device type in the corresponding fields.
To select the Domain Name and the DeviceType, click Select and choose from the
DCR uses a device record to represent a Cluster. A Cluster can be added in the
Standard Management option by selecting the Device Type field as Cisco Cluster
Management Suite.
DSBU Clusters added this way, can then be selected in
Cluster Managed Type
for the field Cluster.
Step 3
Click Add to List
The device is added to the Added Device List in the window.
To remove the device from the Device List, select the device and click
Remove from List.
Step 4
Click Next.
The Standard Credentials page appears.
Step 5
Enter the credentials in the Add Credential Template. The following credentials
can be added:
Primary Credentials (Username, Password, Enable Password)
SNMP v2C credentials (Read-Only Community String, Read-Write
Community String)
SNMPv3 Credentials (Username, Password, authentication Algorithm,
Engine ID)
Rx Boot Mode Credentials (Username, Password)