User Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services
Chapter 8 Diagnosing Problems With CiscoWorks Server
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I ensure that jrm is running fine?
To check whether jrm is working on Windows, at the command prompt enter:
cwjava -cw
NMSROOT com.cisco.nm.cmf.jrm.jobcli
To check whether jrm is working on Solaris, at the command prompt enter
cwjava -cw
$NMSROOT com.cisco.nm.cmf.jrm.jobcli
If you get a message
Established connection with JRM
, then EDS,
EDS-GCF and jrm are running.
If you do not get the above message, contact the technical assistance center
with the error message.
If your jrm in down or inaccessible, you’ll get a message while accessing the
How do I change the port for osagent in Windows?
To change the port for osagent in Windows:
Step 1
Backup your Windows registry.
Step 2
In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE
> Cisco > Resource Manager > Current Version > Daemon > RmeOrb
Step 3
Change the value of Args from
-p 42342
to an unused port number, for example
-p 44444.
Step 4
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Cisco > Resource
Manager > Current Version > Daemon > RmeGatekeeper
Step 5
Change the value of Args from
com.visigenic.vbroker.gatekeeper.GateKeeper -props
com.visigenic.vbroker.gatekeeper.GateKeeper -props
Step 6
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Cisco > Resource
Manager > Current Version > Environment: