Chapter 5 Administering Groups
Group Administration
User Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services
Step 3
Click Details.
The Group Administration wizard displays the details of the group in
Properties:Details window.
Click View Parent Rules to display the rules set for the parent group.
The rules set for the parent group are displayed in the Show Parent Rules
Click Membership Details to display a list of devices and their
corresponding object types.
The membership details are displayed in Membership:Details window.
In the Membership:Details window, you can:
Click on the column headers to sort the entries in the table.
Select the number of rows to be displayed in the table. To do this, select
the desired number of rows in Rows per page.
Click Property Details to return to the Property:Details window.
Step 4
Click Cancel to return to the Group Administration and Configuration page.
Modifying Group Details
You can modify some of the details for a group using this feature.
To modify the details of a group:
Step 1
In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services > Groups > Group
The Group Administration page appears.
Step 2
In the Group Administration and Configuration dialog box, select the group from
Group Selector.
The Group Info fields on the right side displays details of the selected group.
Step 3
Click Edit.
The Group Administration wizard guides you through the process of editing a
group. It displays the details of the group in Properties:Edit window.