Chapter 4 Managing Device and Credentials
Managing Devices
User Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services
Exporting Devices and Credentials
You can use this feature to export a list of device and their credentials into a file.
The device list can be obtained from the device selector, or from a CSV file.
You can edit the Export Format file located at
NMSROOT\objects\dcrimpexp\conf\Export_Format_CSV.xml or
Export_Format_XML.xml to specify the credentials you need to export.
To see the list of attributes that can be exported:
Step 1
At the command prompt, enter
-u username.
Step 2
Enter the password corresponding to the user name.
Step 3
The list of attributes and their description is displayed. You can include the
attributes you need to export, in the Export Format file.
You can:
Export Using DCA Interface
Export Using CLI