Chapter 4 Managing Device and Credentials
Administering Device and Credential Repository
User Guide for CiscoWorks Common Services
Administering Device and Credential Repository
The DCA Admin feature allows you to do the following tasks:
Changing DCR Mode
Adding User-defined Fields
Renaming User-defined Fields
Deleting User-defined Fields
To perform these tasks, select CiscoWorks Homepage > Device and
Credentials > Admin. The Admin page appears with the current DCA settings.
You can change the Mode Settings or modify User Defined fields.
Changing DCR Mode
To change Mode Settings:
Step 1
In the CiscoWorks Homepage, select Common Services >
Device and Credentials > Admin.
The Admin page appears with the current DCA settings.
Step 2
Click the Mode Settings link.
The Mode Settings window appears.
Step 3
Click Change Mode to change the current mode.
The DCR Mode dialog box appears. You can select the required mode from this
dialog box.
Changing the Mode to Standalone
Changing the Mode to Master
Changing the Mode to Slave