1 Operational Manual
F) FFF: T5 temperature set value.
G) GGG: T6 temperature set value.
H) HHH: TC temperature set value.
2.21.2 Alarm setting are listed below:
A) III: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T1 too high, compared with the set
B) JJJ: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T2 too high, compared with the set
C) KKK: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T3 too high, compared with the set
D) LLL: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T4 too high, compared with the set
E) MMM: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T5 too high, compared with the set
F) NNN: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T6 too high, compared with the set
G) OOO: Alarm setting for actual temperature of TC too high, compared with the set
2.21.3 Alarm setting code for temperature too low are listed below:
A) PPP: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T1 too low, compared with the set
B) QQQ: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T2 too low, compared with the set
C) RRR: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T3 too low, compared with the set
D) SSS: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T4 too low, compared with the set
E) TTT: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T5 too low, compared with the set
F) UUU: Alarm setting for actual temperature of T6 too low, compared with the set
G) VVV: Alarm setting for actual temperature of TC too low, compared with the set
2.21.4 Spare alarm code are listed below:
A) aaa: Evaporation setting for the time when T1 actual temperature is higher than the set value.
B) bbb: Evaporation setting for the time when T2 actual temperature is higher than the set value.
C) ccc: Evaporation setting for the time when T3 actual temperature is higher than the set value.
D) ddd: Evaporation setting for the time when T4 actual temperature is higher than the set value.
E) eee: Evaporation setting for the time when T5 actual temperature is higher than the set value.
F) fff: Evaporation setting for the time when T6 actual temperature is higher than the set value.
2.21.5 ZZZZZZZZZZZ: Function selection for barrel temperature. Press either