1 Operational Manual
of feeding 1 stroke setting will be recalculated according to feeding 1 position
set value.
J) HH: Stroke setting of feeding 1. Feeding end-positions as 100%, key in desired
digit and presses
to complete a correction. If press
after digit
is keyed in, the position set value of feeding 1 will be recalculated according
to its percentage.
K) FF: Counter-balance pressure setup for feeding1.
L) kkkk.k : Feeding weight up to feeding 1.
M) II: Speed setup for feeding 2.
N) JJ: Pressure setup for feeding 2.
O) LLL.L: End-position setup for feeding 2. Key in desired digit and press
to complete a correction. If press
after digit is keyed in, the set value
of feeding 2 stroke setting will be recalculated according to feed 2
position set value.
P) MM: Stroke setting of feeding 2. Feeding end-position as 100%, key in desired
digit and press
to complete a correction. If press
after digit is
keyed in, the position set value of feeding 3 stroke will be recalculated
according to its percentage.
Q) KK: Counter-balance pressure setup for feeding 2.
R) llll.l : Feeding weight up to Feeding 2.
S) NN : Speed setup for feeding 3.
T) OO :Pressure setup for feeding 3.
U) QQQ.Q : End-position setup for feeding 3. Key in desired digit and press
to complete a correction. If press
after digit is keyed in, the position
set value of feeding 2 will be recalculated according to feeding 3 position set
V) PP: Counter-balance pressure setup for feeding 3.
W) mmmm.m : Feeding weight up to Feeding 2.
X) RR: Decompression speed setup after feeding.
Y) SS: Decompression pressure setup after feeding.
Z) TT.T: Stroke setup of decompression after feeding.
AA) XXX.X: Display the actual moving stroke after feeding and decompression.
BB)d : Function selection of feeding for DS-Type machine, press
or to select
, then push
to complete a correction.