The following causes can be considered:
Inadmissible mathematical operations,
Syntax errors and
The exceedance of a value range (P<=0, D<=0).
Error display
An error box appears. The focus is automatically reset to the faulty entry field.
Using the <Esc> key, you can reject the latest entry or edit the entry field speci‐
fied in the error message.
Polar Coordinates
The "Polar coordinates" tab supports you in the calculation of chamfers and/or
not axially parallel paths or other coordinates e.g. centers of circles) if the Car‐
tesian coordinates are not given. Apart from that, distances between points and
the ascent angle of a straight line through two given points can be determined.
This calculation form covers the following tasks:
Calculation of the Cartesian coordinates of a point from its polar coordi‐
nates (radius and angle).
Calculation of the polar coordinates of a point from its Cartesian coordi‐
Calculation of a polar coordinate and a Cartesian coordinate if one polar
coordinate and one Cartesian coordinate are given.
In all calculations, the location of the pole (origin of the polar coordinate system)
is regarded as being given in Cartesian coordinates.
The form for the calculations of the working values can be found on the "Polar
c." tab.
The form provides editable text boxes for the numerical values. Behind the text
boxes that are in the fore and can be considered for a value transfer, buttons
for copying purposes are located. The pushbuttons labeled ">>" and "<<" allow
for switching between the specification in absolute Cartesian coordinates and
increments. By checking the box in front of "Turning", you activate the turning
coordinate system with the vertical axis in the diameter measure.
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Bosch Rexroth AG
Extended Functionality