sidered by the program. A changed assignment of length correction values by
the NC program e.g.: "G47 (-Z)", the respective settings have to be adjusted
accordingly in the "Determine zero point" function to calculate the desired val‐
If no tool is active, the length correction values are not considered
for calculation.
The radius correction values of an active tool are always considered
for calculation in the active level.
Variants when determining the zero
The values that should be considered for calculation can be preselected via the
operating screen.
with or without tool correction values
with or without D-correction values
with or without active zero point offsets of the other zero point databases
edge position 0 (only for turning tools with angle head tools)
Two-point sampling
Screen Structure
General Screen Structure
General Screen Structure
The screen is divided into four windows: Searched zero point offset, View, Cal‐
culation and Settings. All elements that can be set on the screen have to be
operated via TAB and CURSOR keys, F-keys or mouse.
A focused window is highlighted in color. At the same time, the respective F-
key level is enabled. The "View" window cannot be focused and is not provided
with an assigned F-key level.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Operation Modes