Processing NC Program using the NC-Analyzer
After selecting the program, the NC-Analyzer is started.
Starting the NC-Analyzer mode
The NC program may not be started yet.
Press <F6 NC-Analyzer debug mode> to start the NC-Analyzer. The F-key
switches to "Restore operation mode".
As information, the header of the interface shows the new operation mode "NC-
Analyzer program".
Analyzer setting:
NC-Analyzer Single Step:
If the Analyzer mode is active, select the "Program" window and enable
the Single Step mode when pressing <F5 Debug single block>. The pro‐
gram is run step by step, i.e. after each step, "NC start" has to be pressed
to continue the program.
Continue the NC-Analyzer:
Activate the "Program" window. Press <F5 Debug program>. The F-key
switches to "Debug single block".
The program is processed in "Continuous block mode" until it meets a
breakpoint, where it stops the program sequence. After the interruption,
the program can be continued with "NC start" if no error is present.
Starting NC program
Press "NC start". The selected program is started or continued after a stop of
the program sequence according to the Analyzer mode set.
After deselection and reselection of an NC program, the Analyzer mode needs
to be set again.
Terminating the Analyzer mode
The Analyzer mode is terminated with <F6 Restore operation mode> in the
topmost F-keypad level. The previously set operation mode appears in the
Displaying NC Program
Program window
The "Program" window of the NC-Analyzer always shows the NC program cur‐
rently selected unless a different file was selected from the directory in the
File window for display.
If no NC program is selected in the NC, the Program window remains empty.
"File" window
Selecting the program in the stack:
The "File" window displays the file system of the control. Each file located there
can be displayed via the file selection in the "Program" window.
Only active programs can be edited with the NC-Analyzer.
In the "File" window, go to the required program:
with the mouse
– or –
with the F-key <F3 Subdirectory>
– or –
alternatively with <F4 Superordinated directory>.
<F8 Update files> updates the directory content.
If the cursor is on a file, this file can be displayed via <F5 Show file>
– or –
"double-click" to display the file in the program window.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Extended Functionality