Delete the display value
Using the <CE> key, the display value is deleted without the interim results and
the entered operands being lost. After the <CE> key resetting the display to
"0", continue by once again entering the operand.
Overwriting an operator
Operators that have been entered wrongly by accident cannot be deleted. It is,
however, possible to enter the correct modifier directly after having entered the
wrong one. Thus, the operator is overwritten.
This correction possibility applies to "+", "-", "×", "÷" "xⁿ" and "ⁿ√x".
Deleting a character
The numbers and the decimal separator shown in the display can be deleted
individually from right to left using the " " key. The related shortcut is the
<backspace> key (<Backspace>).
Repeating Calculations
Repeating the last operation
You can repeat the last operation of a simple calculation several times in form
of the continued calculation without having to enter the last operand and the
last operator repeatedly.
For this, proceed as follows:
Enter the first operand.
Press the operator key.
Enter the second operand.
Press "=".
Press "=" as often as you want to repeat the operation.
Repeating the Last Operation
3 is to be subtracted from 8 two times, i.e. 8-3-3=2.
For performing the calculation press "8" "-" "3" "=" "=".
Repeating the last operands
If in a simple calculation, the second operand is not specified, the display value
will be used as second operand.
Repeating the Last Operand
The third power of (-2), i.e. (-2)
is to be calculated. In this connection,
(-2)x(-2)x(-2) is to be used.
For this purpose, you enter "2" "+/-""×" "=" "=".
Using Shortcuts
For most of the calculator's keys, there are also shortcuts.
The shortcuts in the following table show the characters visible on
the computer keyboard. In this connection, the arrangement of the
characters on the keyboard has not been considered. I.e. in order
to enter them, single characters must be activated while simulta‐
neously pressing a modifier key like the <shift key>, <Alt> or <Alt
Gr>. The modifier keys are not listed in the table unless a capital
letter is required.
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Bosch Rexroth AG
Extended Functionality