Form for taper calculations
Performing Taper Calculations
Converting taper per unit in angle
If the taper relation is given, then you can calculate the setting angle. The nu‐
merical value X must be entered into the first text box (X>0). Alternatively to a
number, you can also specify an expression (see
) or a
standardized taper relation.
Standardized taper relations:
Morse tapers MK0, MK1, MK2, MK3, MK4, MK5 and MK6 as well as
Steep tapers SK30, SK40, SK50 and SK60.
Using the return key or by changing the focus, you can initiate the calculation.
The setting angle appears in the two text boxes located below in °, as decimal
figure as well as in arc minutes and arc seconds.
Converting angle in taper per unit
If you want to determine the taper relation from a setting angle, you must enter
the setting angle (0<α/2<90°) in the second or third text field, depending on the
question whether the angle is specified decimally or in degrees, minutes and
seconds. The entry field for the decimal specification will also accept an ex‐
After the calculation that can be initiated using the return key or by changing
the focus, the taper relation will be shown in the first text box.
Determining big diameter
In order to determine the large diameter D2, the taper relation or the setting
angle have to be entered, as have the taper length and the small diameter. The
order is of no importance. If the focus leaves the field of the last entry or if return
is pressed after the last entry, the large diameter can be seen from the last text
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Bosch Rexroth AG
Extended Functionality