Error message number and message
text number
Recommended to the user
Messages regarding problems when loading information from the configuration file
It is not possible to set one or more
breakpoints after loading a configuration
The breakpoints are deleted from the list
of breakpoints.
No active NC program when loading in‐
formation from the configuration file.
Loading information from the configura‐
tion file only after selection of a flow pro‐
NC-Analyzer mode was not set.
Set the NC-Analyzer mode.
(DryRunMode should also be set). Load‐
ing information from the configuration
The configuration file was written while
working with another flow program.
Continue (information on breakpoints
from this configuration file is lost).
If information on breakpoints just written
in the configuration file - used to start the
application - has to be saved, save the
configuration file under a different name
to still use it without closing the applica‐
It is recommended to compile the config‐
uration files for specified NC programs
and to start the programs only with their
individual configuration files.
(The flow program name can for example
be used as the configuration file name:
TEST.CPL test.cld).
This message does not appear if this rec‐
ommendation is followed.
The NC program was changed after the
configuration file has been saved.
Continue (information on breakpoints
from this configuration file is lost).
When loading a configuration file, it is not
possible to set active breakpoints be‐
cause the Dry Run mode is not set.
DryRunMode was not set.
Set DryRunMode and click on the Gen‐
eral Inhibit button.
(NC Analyzer Mode should also be set).
Loading information from the configura‐
tion file.
Messages regarding connection problems with the NC
The number of variables cannot be de‐
Timeout too short.
Close and restart the application.
The current variable value cannot be de‐
Timeout too short.
Close and restart the application.
(#28) The current NC state cannot be de‐
termined. (INcsChannel::GetNcState)
Timeout too short.
Close and restart the application.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Extended Functionality