"Settings" window
In this window, the different variants to determine the zero point can be set. The
settings in this window are shown as far as possible in the "View" window.
As tool type, the active tool is automatically set. Only if no active tool is available,
this setting can be changed.
When determining the zero point with ZO, "All, Selection and None" are distin‐
guished. At "Selection", another window is displayed used to select which zero
point offsets from which zero point databases should be calculated.
Optionally, the active tool corrections and the active D-corrections can be used
for calculation.
The direction of calculating the tool corrections and D-corrections is generally
carried out according to the settings in the machine parameters. This presetting
can be changed via "Dir. of correction". Therefore, another window is displayed
in which the respective settings can be made.
For turning tools and angle head tools, it can also be measured with the edge
position 0. During the measurement, the edge radius or the D-correction value
of the edge radius are considered.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Operation Modes