Retrieval of a Post Import Function
It is possible to follow the import of a tool list with a configurable handling routine
for all imported data sets.
This post import function can be set in file "ToolManagementConfig.xml".
Changing the Level
It can be switched between the 1st and the 2nd level of the F-keypad using
switches to the 2nd level and
switches back to the 1st level.
Back to Main Level
switches to the superordinated level of the tool list display.
This key level can be defined by the user, permitting switching between various
list displays.
Number of Decimal Positions
The number of decimal positions displayed is specified by the list/editor con‐
Additive Value Entry
"Additive value entry" can be used to enter correction values that are to be
added to the existing value (see
chapter 8.2.1 "Value Entry" on page 162
Activate next list
When displaying several lists, changing between these lists can be executed
via the configurable F-key function"TL_ActivateNextList".
Exit view
A screen, additional defined to the default tool management application by the
user, can be exited using the configurable F-key function <Close active
screen>. This is not possible for the default tool management application. After
the tool management was invoked, this screen remains active until the operat‐
ing principle is exited. (An exception is exiting the application via win‐
dow ▶ window ▶ Close window).
The edited list can be printed. All data, comments and headlines contained in
the list are printed. The table areas always displayed will always be printed on
each page.
The function can be opened via the following menu function in the default con‐
figuration Edit ▶ Print tool list .
A dialog to set up the page appears, followed by the NC program in a print
preview. The number of pages per sheet can be set here. The zoom icon can
be used to adjust the size accordingly. The print dialog can be closed with the
"Exit" button. The <Tab> button is used to navigate within this dialog if no mouse
is available.
Set up page:
The header and footer can be edited in the global options, which can be opened
under menu item Tools ▶ Options ▶ General ▶ Print.
Currently, the following variables can be used:
Current page number
The remaining variables are not processed.
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Bosch Rexroth AG
Tool Management