System error_
Critical error
Fatal system error*
→ Critical error
Internal error causing operation stop of the control.
The NC-Analyzer closes automatically after confirmation.
Low-priority system error*
→ Error
Internal error causing a part of the control not being functional anymore.
The user can decide whether to continue working with the NC-Analyzer.
System warning
Warning from a part of the NC-Analyzer, such as failed to load config‐
uration data
by the user program
System information
such as number of breakpoints exceeded.
Programmed note
Programmed note by the NC program:
Input error
Operating errors
such as variable value invalid
In case of system errors, service must be notified as well if necessary.
Error classes: NC-Analyzer
User Reactions on Errors and Messages
The following measures can be cases in case of information, messages, warn‐
ings and "low-priority" system errors:
Discard messages or errors as long as it is still possible to work with the
NC-Analyzer or as long as information on error recovery is provided.
Restart the interface
Contact service
In case of "critical" system errors, the only options left may be:
Restart the interface
Contact service
Error Messages
Error message number and message
text number
Recommended to the user
Messages about the attempt to enter some incorrect values
Invalid value
Input value of the edited variable does
not correspond to the variable type
Enter a value that corresponds to the re‐
quired variable type.
(See also CPL programming manual).
The value NUL cannot be assigned to a
permanent CPL variable.
The old value is restored.
The value NUL cannot be assigned to a
permanent CPL variable.
Enter a valid value for the permanent
CPL variable or accept the old value.
Messages about some unauthorized user actions
File is write-protected.
Attempt to save a write-protected file.
Continue. (It is not possible to save write-
protected files).
It is not possible to set the current varia‐
ble value. (IVariable::SetVarValue)
Attempt to edit an individual element of a
CPL constant.
It is not possible to set the current varia‐
ble value. (IVariable::UndefVar)
Attempt to edit a complete CPL constant. Continue.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Rexroth IndraMotion MTX 11VRS Standard NC Operation
Extended Functionality