CHAPTER 7: Operation
The DSPLY, PRT, AUX Commands
Enter one of these at the Enter Logical Unit Type: prompt to define the LU as a display, printer
(connected to its own port), or an auxiliary printer.
7.5.5 C
To configure the LinkUp 5294 for use in an IBM or other synchronous host environment, it is
recommended that the following steps be completed in the order listed:
1. Configure the synchronous port(s).
2. Configure all asynchronous ports that will be used except for the port to which your terminal is
3. Configure all Logical Units that will be used.
4. Perform the Reset Sync Port command in order to effect sync port configuration changes.
5. Configure the async port to which your terminal is connected (if necessary).
7.5.6 S
1. Communications Interface
Valid values are: DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) or DCE (Data Communications Equipment).
When connecting the LinkUp 5294 to the communications adapter on your System/3X by modems or
line drivers (modem eliminators) on a point-to-point or multi-point communication line, this parameter
must be set to DTE. However, when connecting the LinkUp 5294 directly to your host’s adapter, the
Communications Interface must be specified as DCE. This latter application is possible because of the
LinkUp 5294’s integrated modem eliminator.
2. Bit Rate
Valid values are: 1200, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600,14400,19200, or EXT.
When the LinkUp 5294 is directly connected to your host’s adapter (Communications Interface = DCE),
the LinkUp 5294 must provide the clocking signals. Selecting a specific bit rate will enable the LinkUp
5294 to do this.
For connections through modems or line drivers (Communications Interface = DTE), the modem or
line driver will provide the clocking signals. Set the bit rate to EXT (External) in this application.
3. Connect Mode
Valid values are: DED (Dedicated) or AUTO (Automatic Answer).
When the LinkUp 5294 is connected to your host through modems, specifying AUTO will enable the
LinkUp 5294 to automatically answer an incoming call from your host. When this is not the application,
DED should be specified.
4. Half/Full Duplex Line
Valid values are FULL or HALF.
The value defined for this parameter depends on whether the LinkUp 5294 port is configured for a DTE
or DCE interface, and is as follows:
Following data reception from the host, the LinkUp 5294 waits for the
Carrier Detect signal to go low before raising the Request-To-Send signal.