APPENDIX D: System/36 Configuration Guide
Before configuring the remote controller, display stations, and printers you must
configure the communications line (see D.1).
Select Option 3 on Display 27.0.
STEP 7 Remote Controller Definition
The remote controller is a device that is accessed by the System/36 through the communications line.
It controls the operation of one or more remote display stations and printers. The LinkUp 5294
emulates IBM 5251 Model 12 and 5294 cluster controllers and is classified as a remote controller.
If you have previously defined workstation controllers, Display 13.0 will show the word EDIT at the top
of the display. If you are adding a new remote workstation controller, the word ADD must be at the top
of the display. Press Command Key 5 to enable you to define a new remote controller.
Prompt 1 (Remote controller ID): You may specify any ID of your choice, provided it has not been used
previously. In this example we will use C02.
Prompt 2 (Describe the remote controller): This 40-character field can be used to help identify
controller information, such as the location of the controller.
Prompt 3 (Controller type): You must specify the model of the unit which controls your remote work
stations. Since the LinkUp 5294 emulates an IBM 5251 model 12 controller in this example, enter 1
for this controller model type.
Prompt 4 (Controller station address): The controller station address is used to identify the controller
to the System/36. The controller unit station address must match the address given internally to the
LinkUp 5294 for the control unit number (this is further described in
Section 7.5
of this manual).
Each control unit on the System/36 must have a unique address. In this example, enter 02.
Prompt 5 (Communication line): This is the remote line number the LinkUp 5294 is attached to.
For this example, enter a 2.
This line must have been previously defined in this configuration member.
Prompt 6 (For a switched line, optionally specify 1-3 alternative lines): If the line number you specified
in Prompt 5 is a switched line, you can specify alternative lines to which the LinkUp 5294 can be
attached. The alternative lines you specify must also be switched lines with the same switch type. For
example, if Line 2 has a switch type of manual answer and Line 3 is selected as an alternative line, then
Line 3 must have a switch type of manual answer. You can specify up to 3 alternative lines. If you have
only one line or if you specified a non-switched line at prompt 5, have this field blank. In this example
Line 2 entered in Prompt 5 is a non-switched line, therefore, the field for prompt 6 is left blank.