FlowStar2 LB 514
12. FlowStar² Controller Software
In the Outport section the digital output (AUX) and analog outputs
(Ratemeter) can be tested.
Clicking on
will set the AUX output,
will reset the
To check the analog ports just enter an output voltage (e.g. 1V)
and click on
to have this voltage present at the output. A
click on
will reset the output. This feature is very useful to
check if the analog output port which might be connected to an
external HPLC system through an A/D converter works properly
(output value and signal polarity).
The isotope editor is a tool to browse through the table of nuclides
which are stored in the FlowStar². The table of nuclides for the
Standard nuclides is read only and cannot be modified. User de-
fined isotopes can be modified. The isotope name, upper and
lower threshold for the discriminator and the isotope half life time