3. Measuring Cells
FlowStar2 LB 514
c) Measurement of Gamma Radiation
Two types of cells are available for the measurement of gamma radiation:
J-1000 cell
is used for low-energy Gamma radiation up to 50 KeV and
is intended for the measurement of
Cell structure
A Teflon hose spiral between 2 BGO scintillator discs
Cell volumes between 20 µl and 1000 µl are available.
J 1000-5
cell type: J = iodine,
volume: 1000 µl
BGO-X cell
can be used for any, even high-energy gamma radiation.
Cell structure
Bismuth germanate single crystal, size
40 x 15 mm with bore-hole. The
bore-hole contains a replaceable glass vial cartridge. The cell volume can
be selected by replacing the glass vial.
5, 30 and 150 µl. All 3 measuring loops are included with the shipment.
d) Measurement of high-energy beta radiation such as
P is easy to detect by means of the Cerenkov effect. Common admixture
cells with the desired volume are employed for the measurement of Ceren-
kov effects. Light pulses are generated in the cells which can be detected
with high efficiency. Essential advantage of this method: very low back-
ground due to the fact that no scintillator is in the counting chamber. There-
fore, excellent detection limit (=E
Labeling example:
Z 500-5 or Z 200-6M
Admixture cell with 500 µl or 200 µl volume
e) Tailor-made measuring cells
Measuring cells are also manufactured according to customer’s specifica-
tions. The options and the information required for production are listed in
Chapter 4. Measuring cells can be adapted to a customer’s specific needs.
For example, cells for preparative applications can be supplied, operating
with a flow rate far above 10 ml/min, and a minimum backpressure (of
about 2 bar at 10ml/min). The cells are also employed in traditional liquid
chromatography (LC). The preparative cells offer only negligible resistance
against the atmospherically created flow in a gel-column system.