FlowStar2 LB 514
12. FlowStar² Controller Software
System settings like the PMT control voltage and luminescence
warning levels are visible in the “System” tab. PMT control volt-
ages are read only.
If "GLP Validation Strict Mode” is selected no further measure-
ments will be possible if the validation is due. Luminescence
warning threshold can be defined in pro cent of the signal.
Date & Time
By clicking on the
button, the current PC
time will be transferred to the FlowStar².
User Management
The FlowStar² has two user levels (User and Service). In this di-
alog box the passwords for these two users can be modified. The
“User” has no deafult password, for “Service” is the default pass-
word “0” (zero).
The language for the user interface of the FlowStar² can be
switched between German and English.