FlowStar2 LB 514
4. Scintillator Pump
4.2 Connecting the Supply System
Supply of liquid scintillator:
Outer diameter: 1/8", ID 2.4 mm
The supply valve is located on the bottom right of the pump head. To en-
sure a proper function, the supply line should have an internal diameter
(ID) of at least 2 mm and not be longer than 1 m. Thin supply lines may
cause gas bubbles, for the short aspiration time and the too thin supply line
may cause under pressure.
Therefore, the supplied angled stainless steel knee pipe (OD 1/8", ID 2.4
mm) with installed screw fitting and Teflon seal should be used in any case;
it should be screwed into the bottom opening of the pump head. Place the
1 m long, black Vinton hose over this knee pipe piece (type Iso-Versinic,
OD 4 mm, ID 2 mm, also included with the shipment). The other end is
already connected to the filter.
The filter should always be clean.
In case of possible gel-like deposits or
impurities, clean it using methanol or ethanol. For cleaning, the filter may
be dismantled and the filter disc removed and, if necessary, replaced.
The pump inlet fitting of the tubing is mounted as shown in the picture be-
Outlet of liquid scintillator: OD 1/16", ID 0.5 mm, length 0.5 - 1m
The outlet valve is located on the bottom left of the pump head. Fix the
supplied stainless steel capillary (OD 1/16", ID 0.5 mm, length 1 m) with
already mounted screw fitting here. The mixer is installed on the other end.
The length of the stainless steel capillary must not be altered.
Pump head
Stainless Steel capillary
OD 1/16“, ID 0.5mm
plastic pipe
OD 1/8
“, ID 2.4mm
Silicon tubing 2x4