Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 21 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
4. Selecting and parameterizing the SCU via SafePLC²
The program
“ is
a graphics-oriented software to create a PLC-based monitoring
program for an SCU system..
This programming software allows the graphic processing of consecutively running programs by
means of function blocks, and the adjustment of sensor functions, actuator functions, and other
technical functions.
About this manual
This manual explains the bases of SafePLC
. The manual explains the most important dialogue
windows, and the key processes to be followed by using practical examples. These practical
examples are constructed in a way that permits you in principle to start with any chapter.
Experiences in working with a mouse, with dialogue windows, selection menus etc. are of
advantage. Furthermore, you should be acquainted with the basic principles of a programmable
logic controller.
4.1. Terms
The term SPC means
ontrol. The term SPC is exclusively used in the
SCU system.
Programming software for the graphical processing of consecutively running programs by
means of function blocks, and for the adjustment of sensor functions, actuator functions, and
other technical functions.
Function block
Block in an SPC control, influencing the programming sequence of an SPC program either
physically or logically. A physical function block (hardware) is p. ex. a button or an output. But
a function block is also a logical link of input and output signals within an SPC (e. g. AND or