Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 209 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
Input example 1:
In a production device, at certain manual processes speed shall be monitored for a safeIy reduced
value. Additionally, standstill and travel direction shall be monitored. The active movement tob e
monitored is a rotating movement. The drive is an electronic motor with integrated motor feedback
systeme and an intermediate gear.
1. Selection of type
Only speed is monitored (e. g. via incremental encoder) => speed monitoring
3. Speed monitoring
Specification of the tolerated value of the speed monitor.
Input example 2:
At a production machine, the access to the work zone shall be released for manual insert or for
manual configuration shall be releasedat certain positions of the main drivee axis. In this position,
the drive remains active and is only monitored for standstill. The limits of the expansion stroke are
variable, and shall be monitored in an electronically safety-relevant way instead of being monitored
by a mechanical safety end-switch. The active movement to be monitored is a linear movement.
An absolute encoder is a directly interlocked connection to the main drive axis. The main drive axis
is driven by an electronic motor with an integrated motor feedback system and an intermediate
2. Selection of type
The position is monitored (absolute encoder at hand) => position monitoring
3. Position monitoring
Specification of the tolerable value for position monitoring