Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 194 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
RESET function:
Violation of the permitted monitoring range is saved and requires a RESET
confirmation. The RESET confirmation is alternatively carried out via:
RESET function in the group of the Input elements.
Function button at the front side of a basis group
Fieldbus Reset Input
if this function triggers an alarm, after a RESET, the device unit is reset to
the normal state either on the device or via the configured input of
the “Alarm
Before the reset, in the monotored periphery an operating state must have
been achieved, in which the
“Enable” input of the function is set to zero.
Description of the function
Monitoring of the process of a controlled EMERGENCY STOP by comparison of the speed drop
over time to a parametrised monitoring limit curve. The monitoring limit curve results from latency
time, the maximum speed distance zu the limit curve and their characterization, computed from
acceleration and acceleration change. After the activation of monitoring, the course of the limit
curve is calculatedon the basis of current speed.
Curve type
-Linear curve type
BX = braking range / proximity range
X1 / X2 = time for ramp function sequence
V0 = Start velocity of the ramp function