SIP User's Manual
the MediaPack
Version 2.4
June 2008
The Screen shows the following information:
Port: The Status and Name of the Trunk.
Channels: The status of the B-Channels.
6.6.3 SysLog Syslog Settings
6-25: Sys-Log parameters
sys-log server
[sys-log server <ip>]
Configure the sys-log server IP address
Values: IP-Address
sys-log interface
[sys-log interface LAN |
The system will use the IP address of the configured interface in the hostname filed
of the sys-log header.
sys-log facility
The sys-log facility is not configurable. Facility “LOCAL0” (16) will be used for all
sys-log messages.
sys-log severity
The severity level of the sys-log messages cannot be configured. “NOTICE” (5) will
be used for all messages.
[[no] sys-log]
Enables or disables the sys-log client
Valid options include:
Enable = Sys-log client is enabled I.E messages are sent to the sys-log server
Disable = Sys-log client is disabled. I.E. messages are NOT sent to the sys-log
server (default)
Using CLI
To change the ISDN port parameters using CLI:
Log on to the system.
Change to the configuration mode.
Use the commands in square brackets ([]) to change the parameter values.
Note: The source address of the sys-log message will contain the IP address of the outgoing interface.
AudioCodes suggested using the address of the interface used by SIP. The IP address of the SIP
interface may be undefined if the interface is not active (I.E. WAN is used and the cable is unplugged).
For this reason we choose the approach to use the address of the outgoing interface.