CS175-275-575-875 Installation Guide
If enabled, the CSx75 sends a cancel report if when the system is disarmed.
Dialler Delay must be enabled in the Characteristic Select in locations 127 to
Location 34
on page 65 for more information.
An audible signal that a door has been opened.
A series of four to six numbers that allow access to the system.
Code Required Options
The CSx75 can be programmed to require a code for bypassing zones and/or
initiating a download using the -9-8 or -9-9 function.
Location 34
on page 65 and
Location 53
on page 71 for more information.
Communication formats
The CSx75 can report in multiple formats. It is recommended that you use
Contact ID or SIA formats if possible. If you wish to report to a pager or in a
4+2 format to a central station, you must program each code to be reported.
Location 69
Location 121
, starting on page 77, and
Location 127
Location 206
, starting on page 80, for more information.
The arrangement of the hardware and software of the security system set up
for a particular installation.
Delayed restore
The CSx75 can be programmed to send alarm and restore reports as soon as
they occur, or wait until the siren time has expired.
Location 51
on page 70 for more information.
The security system is off.
The window on the keypad.
Double knock
A zone which generates an alarm only when it is opened twice within a
programmed time frame.
Double open
The length of time the double knock zone remains open after the first event. If
a second event is generated within the set time, an alarm is generated.
Duress code
If a duress code is programmed, the CSx75 sends a duress signal whenever
the panel is armed or disarmed with this code. If open/close reports are sent,
the user code is 254.
Location 56
on page 72 for more information.
Dynamic battery test
The CSx75 can be programmed to perform a dynamic battery test for a
selected duration the first time the panel is armed or disarmed every day, as
well as by pressing 40 Test Function. If the panel is not armed or disarmed
during the day, it performs the test at midnight. The CSx75 can also be
programmed to perform a missing battery test every 12 seconds.
Location 51
on page 70 and
Location 52
on page 71 for more information.
European security standard. It involves a set of rules which limits the amount of
access the installer has to a user's security system.
Entry route
The route taken to enter and reach the control unit to disarm the system.
Entry time
Time within which the user must disarm the system before a full alarm occurs.