CS175-275-575-875 Installation Guide
Location 65
Opening time (two segments, ND)
This location contains the time, in 24-hour format, that the CSx75 enables codes
designated as arm only after closing. This time is valid only on those days programmed in
location 67.
Opening time must be earlier than closing time for auto arm, aux. outputs, or code
authorization to function properly.
Segment 1
Program the hour of the opening time.
Segment 2
Program the minutes after the hour of the opening time.
Location 66
Closing time/automatic arming time (two segments, ND)
This location contains the time, in 24-hour format, that the CSx75 disables the disarm
capability for codes designated as arm only after closing. This is also the time the
automatic arming sequence begins if enabled in location 68.
Segment 1
Prorgrams the hour of the closing/auto arm time.
Segment 2
Programs the minutes after the hour of the closing/auto arm
Location 67
Days of the week each partition is open (eight segments, FSD)
This location selects the days of the week that each partition is open. On these days, arm
only after close window codes can arm and disarm during an open window.
If any partition is not programmed to be opened and is programmed to auto-arm, the
CSx75 tries to arm every 45 minutes for the duration of the closed period unless auto retry
is disabled in location 68.
On days not selected here, arm only after close window codes do not disarm. Segment 1
corresponds to partition 1 and segment 8 corresponds to partition 8. See
Location 65
Location 66
on page 76 for the opening and closing times for open days.
Segment 1-8
Open on Sunday
Open on Monday
Open on Tuesday
Open on Wednesday
Open on Thursday
Open on Friday
Open on Saturday
Location 68
Days of the week for auto arming in partitions 1 to 8 (eight segments, FSD)
This location selects which days each partition auto arms. Segment 1 corresponds to
partition 1 and segment 8 corresponds to partition 8. If a zone is faulted when the panel
tries to auto arm, the zone is bypassed.
Segment 1-8
Auto arming on Sunday