Instrument run troubleshooting
Possible cause
Recommended action
Plate validation fails when you
start a run
The dye set for the active
calibration does not match the
dye set specified in the
instrument protocol.
Change the active calibration to match the dye
set that is specified in the instrument protocol.
Edit the results group to specify an instrument
protocol with a dye set that matches the active
See also the Event Log message observations
listed below.
An object in the plate record
(instrument protocol, analysis
protocol, results group) has
been deleted from the
Edit the plate record.
Results group Analysis tab
specifies autoanalysis, but no
Login ID or Password is
Edit the results group.
"Container and NumCap
validation failed" message in
Event Log
The plate record specifies a
plate type (number of wells)
that does not match the plate
type that is detected by the
Edit the plate record to match the plate type.
"Sealing type (from instr) is
Heat Sealing and does not
match set by user Septa"
message in Event Log
The plate record specifies a
sealing type that does not
match the base in which the
plate is loaded.
Edit the plate record to specify the sealing type
that matches the base in which the plate is
Load the plate in the correct base. See
“Prepare the plate assemblies“ on page 42.
"Error getting plate info from
database" message in Event
After the plate record was
added to the Run Scheduler,
the plate record was deleted in
the Plate Manager.
Load a different plate record.
Re-extraction troubleshooting
Possible cause
Recommended action
Re-extraction fails
You used an analysis protocol
that was previously used to
process the plate record (it was
deleted from the plate record,
then added back to the plate
Use a new analysis protocol with the same
settings, or create a new plate record for re-
Unknown cause.
Review the run log file. See “Review a run log
Appendix A
Instrument run troubleshooting
3730xl DNA Analyzer with 3730xl Data Collection Software 5 User Guide