When the OC output of the Proximity Reader is programmed as entry/exit buzzer, the OC output will
function identically to a keypad’s buzzer. When the output is connected to a buzzer, the buzzer will function
for the programmed sections, similar to a keypad’s buzzer.
OC output NG Proximity reader as valid Tag
When the OC output of the Proximity Reader is programmed to function as a valid Tag indication, the
functioning will nearly the same as when the OC output is programmed as door opener, with the only
exception that the OC output is also activated when an invalid Tag is presented. When a valid Tag is
presented, the output will be activated continues for several seconds, and when an invalid Tag is presented,
the output will be activated ‘flashing’. When a buzzer is now connected to the OC output, it will give a long
tone when a valid Tag is presented, and give a series of short beeps when an invalid Tag is presented.
NG Proximity Reader triggers entrytime?
When this feature is programmed as YES, the Proximity Reader will start the entrytime of all delayed and
follower zones programmed to both the tag and the Proximity Reader.
Example: When a Tag is programmed for sections ABC, and the Proximity Reader is programmed to
sections CDE, presenting the Tag will start the entry time of all delayed and follower zones programmed at
least to section C.
NG Proximity Reader last door function?
When this feature is programmed as YES, the Proximity Reader will stop the counting exit delay of all
delayed and follower zones of the sections programmed to both the Tag and the Proximity reader.
NG Proximity Reader: logreport in historic overview?
When this option is programmed as YES, all events executed by this Proximity Reader will be saved in the
historic overview of the control panel. The default setting for this option is NO. Keep in mind that when this
option is programmed to YES, the historic overview will be filled with events from the Proximity Reader.
The historic overview can contain up to 250 events. When the historic overview is full, the oldest event will
be replaced with the newest.
NG Proximity Reader: logreport on printer?
When this option is programmed as YES, all events executed by this Proximity Reader will be sent to the
printermodule. When the logfunction is activated with F11#, all events from this Proximity reader will be
when this option is enabled, make sure an NG printer module with v.4.0 or higher is installed.
When this printer module is not installed, enabling this function will cause a delay on the RS-485 bus.
LCD/PROX activates RO module?
When the Proximity Reader is used to control an RO module, we advise to program the setting ‘LCD/PROX
activates RO module?’ as NO.
AlphaVision NG installation manual Rev. 2.0 27-08-2003 Blz. 89/101
By programming this option as ‘NO’, the former control of the RO modules is suppressed (control by a
keypad). The setting programmed here influences not just this Proximity Reader or RO module, but
influences the whole system.